The most important decision you can make in your case is hiring the right accident attorney. With...
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has said it will block nursing homes from federal...
People entrust their elderly family members to a nursing home, placing a special trust in the staff...
Many people have started smoking electronic cigarettes because they are supposedly better for you...
We have all heard about the Tough Mudder events. They are fun, challenging and popular. ...
By now, many people have probably heard about how actor Anton Yelchin recently died when his...
When we take our families to amusement parks and themed parks like Disney, we expect that the...
Most of us drive vehicles to and from work and to take our kids where they need to go each
As the Tennessee grows, tragic accidents between cars and people have dramatically risen. In...
To help combat the epidemic of elder abuse, on March 30th of 2016, the Department of Justice made...
Virgil Hood handled paints and paint thinners manufactured by E.I. DuPont de Nemours daily while...
Truck drivers are required by federal law to pass health tests before they drive, but many of these...