Many of us here in Tennessee and across the country have heard about the Depuy hip recall and may...
The last thing anyone needs when facing a surgery to replace the replacement is a hassle from the...
Every day in Tennessee people receive new hips. Perhaps they were injured in a fall. Maybe they...
Who hasn’t been tempted to send a quick text while sitting at a red light. You’re...
Tennessee residents and people all over the country have been giving their kids Fisher-Price toys...
Anderson County, Tennessee has found itself with two lawsuits for $1.5M. This is in response to the...
It would be difficult to think of anything more traumatic than the injury of your child. Too often...
Recently, three surgeons made a recomendation to stop using certain Knee replacement deviceds made...
Every day innocent people here in Tennessee and across the country are injured through no fault of...
Medical malpractice laws in many states and here in Tennessee are put in place to help protect the...
Many people across the country and right here in Tennessee have heard about the recent hip...