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Chattanooga Defective Automobile Lawyers


Many automobile companies issue recalls or face design problems with their vehicles each year. If your vehicle is part of a recall, this typically means that there is some sort of problem or defect in the way the vehicle was designed or there was a mistake made during manufacturing. Automobile recalls can also occur if a company did not properly test a vehicle for its safety performance or if the company sells a vehicle that they may already know has some type of unsafe condition. When these negligent actions occur, it can lead to severe injuries for those involved or even result in the death of someone you love. If you or someone you know has suffered an injury after being in accident with a vehicle that may have had a defect, you need to talk to one of our knowledgeable defective vehicle lawyers at the Higgins Firm right away. In these types of accidents, time is really important because the vehicle needs to be saved if it can be. One of our lawyers will listen to your claim and work with you to see to it that you receive the compensation you may be entitled to.

What are typical vehicle defects that I should be aware of?

There are many different types of vehicles on the road. This means that there can be many types of problems or defects with a vehicle. Some of these defects may be linked to the production of the automobile or in the design of automobile. There are some typical vehicle defects that occur in many vehicles. The defects to be aware of are:

  • Problems or defects with a vehicle’s fuel line resulting in a automobile fire.
  • Automobiles that have a higher risk of being rolled during an accident causing passengers to have severe injuries or being unable to exit the vehicle.
  • Vehicles having doors that do not lock properly, if this happens during a crash, a passenger get tossed from the car and suffer serious injuries.
  • A vehicle having airbags that do not work during a crash or work even when they are not supposed to.
  • Problems with the seat belts and other restraints.
  • Problems with tires that cause them to lose air too easily or come apart.

Vehicles that may have been subject to safety concerns:

Since there are so many vehicles available, there may be many recalls going on at one time with different vehicles or companies. The defective vehicle accident cases that our firm is currently working on include:

  • General Motors defective ignition switch recalls
  • Jeep Rear Gas Tank Explosions and Fires
  • Toyota’s defective airbag recall cases

Why do I need a Chattanooga Defective Vehicle lawyer for my claim?

If you or someone you know has been injured or died in a vehicle crash and you suspect that a defect or problem with vehicle may be to blame, it can often be hard to prove your claim because there may be many people that were involved in the making of that vehicle. If you contact one of our compassionate defective vehicle lawyers at the Higgins Firm, we will be able to gather the evidence that may be needed to prove your claim. We will work with you to make sure the person or persons responsible for the defective vehicle pay for their actions or lack of actions. We will work on your behalf so that you get the compensation you deserve for the pain and suffering you have had to deal with.

Meet the team

The insurance company has a legal team. You should too.

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