Have You Been the Victim of a Crime?
There all kinds of crimes committed every single day across the country and here in Tennessee. There are crimes involving companies that acted carelessly or failed to protect a person from a possible crime because they did not have the proper training or equipment. There are also crimes that involve physical or sexual harm, stealing of property or vandalism, harassment, and crimes that are caused by automobile accidents. The crime attorneys at The Higgins Firm care about these victims. We work with law enforcement officials and anyone else that may be able to help us find the people responsible for these crimes and make sure the victims get what they need.
What Is the Difference Between a Criminal Case and a Civil Case?
Civil cases usually focus on the crime that happened and if and how it may have been prevented. Criminal cases usually focus on the person that committed the crime and getting justice for the victim and their family members.
Have I Been the Victim of a Crime?
When a crime happens, it is only natural for many of us to feel confused or afraid. This is why sometimes it can be hard to determine if you or a loved one has actually been the victim of a crime. However, if you or a loved one has suffered an injury or any loss whether physical, mental, or emotional, or if you have witnessed a crime by seeing it or hearing it, then you most likely are the victim of a crime.
What Should I Do If I Have Been the Victim of a Crime?
It is important you seek medical help immediately and contact law enforcement officials to investigate the crime. Then you should contact a Tennessee crime attorney right away and remember to keep any documents you have about the crime including medical records about injuries and treatment and also any photographs you may have of the injuries.
What Will Happen If I Have a Case for Being the Victim of a Crime?
We will first talk with you and anyone else that may have information about the crime. This may include but is not limited to:
Then we may focus on seeing if the crime could have been prevented or foreseen and if so, by whom or by using what equipment. We do our very best to get the answers our victims need for themselves and their families.
The Higgins Firm Is Ready to Fight for your Claim
Unfortunately, crimes happen every day in all places around the world and here in Tennessee. Our caring and experienced criminal attorneys here at The Higgins Firm believe in getting answers for the victims of these crimes and their families. We understand what kind of damage these crimes can cause and we know how important it is to get closure and be able to move on with your lives. We do everything possible to help get our victims the treatment and care they deserve.
If you or a loved one has been injured due to a crime, please contact us online or call us at 800.705.2121 to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your legal options.
The insurance company has a legal team. You should too.