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Davidson County Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Best motorcycle accident lawyer in Nashville 2022Motorcycles are very popular in Tennessee, and many cyclists are allured by the miles upon miles of wide open roadways and mountainous views. However, when a motorcycle accident in Davidson County occurs, the injuries are often life threatening. Head trauma, multiple broken bones, severe lacerations, and internal bleeding are common in these collisions. Leg and foot injuries are especially common among motorcyclists who are involved in accidents, simply because of the limited protection afforded by a motorcycle. Sadly, some riders will lose their life.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, and it may have been the cause of another person’s negligence, or a road condition, you should consult an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer in Davidson County as soon as possible. At The Higgins Firm, we have the necessary resources to investigate your case, determine who was at fault, and seek maximum damages for your sustained losses. Please do not delay in calling The Higgins Firm for further advice.

National Statistics on Motorcycle Accidents

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) is a division of the United States Department of Transportation responsible for studying and improving road safety conditions across America.

According to the NHTSA, approximately one-third of all motorcycle accident injuries nationwide affect the legs and feet. Some of the most common leg and foot injuries sustained in Tennessee motorcycle accidents include:

  • Leg amputations or massive crush injuries where a person’s leg is crushed
  • Broken leg bones and fractures
  • Severe compartment syndrome – where excess pressure builds inside a muscle compartment, sometimes leading to permanent nerve damage
  • Hip dislocations
  • Femur fractures
  • Knee injuries, including patella (kneecap) and tibia fractures
  • Torn ligaments
  • Meniscus tears
  • Thigh injuries, including injuries to the sciatic nerve or femoral artery
  • Tarsal or metatarsal fractures
  • Calcaneus (heel bone) fractures and talus fractures
  • Hip dislocations

Sustaining Leg and Foot Injuries

The problem with motorcycles is that they offer extremely limited protection to operators and their passengers. The only protective barrier that motorcyclists have around them is their helmet, and helmets themselves are not accident-proof. In virtually every case, a motorcyclist’s legs and feet are directly exposed to the ground and to other vehicles during a motorcycle crash.

Common Causes of Davidson County Motorcycle Accidents

Davidson County motorcycle accident attorneys know that collisions can be caused by a variety of circumstances, including the following:

  • Negligent and Reckless Driving
  • Hazardous roadway conditions at or near construction sites
  • Drunk or impaired motor vehicle drivers

How do Motorcycle Collisions Occur?

All states, including Tennessee have developed strict traffic laws. Anyone with a driver’s license has essentially agreed to follow these laws, and when they don’t they could be ticketed. The reason for their existence is to protect all drivers on the road, as well as, pedestrians and cyclists. Speeding, reckless driving, distracted driver, and failure to signal are examples of actions that are commonly disobeyed; thus, creating the potential for a collision to occur. Should this happen, the driver who failed to adhere to the laws and rules can be held responsible. As a Davidson County motorcycle accident lawyer might explain to you, not only may the defendant be responsible for the victim’s losses, but they could be criminally charged by the Tennessee Prosecutor’s Office.

When Motorcycle Accidents Occur at A Construction Site

In and around Davidson County, construction is prevalent. Even though these sites ask drivers to drive with caution, they are still dangerous areas and may be rife with grooved pavement, potholes, and uneven ground. Regardless of a motorist’s speed, it can be easy to lose control of a motorcycle in a construction ground. If this should happen, a Davidson County motorcycle accident lawyer may assess the case to determine whether negligence is a factor, and if the construction company should be held accountable.

Speaking to a Davidson County Motorcycle Accident Attorney

If you or someone you love has sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident that resulted from someone else’s negligence, a compassionate Davidson County motorcycle accident lawyer can assist you with safeguarding your legal rights and may be able to help you obtain the monetary compensation that you need and deserve under Tennessee law.

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