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Do I need an Attorney for My Workers’ Compensation Case?

This can be a tough question to answer. In general, if you have sustained a severe permanent injury or if your benefits have been denied you probably need a skilled Tennessee workman’s compensation lawyer. However, if you are receiving benefits without problems and you are going to be able to return to your job at the same or greater pay you may be fine handling the case on your own. Regardless, the easiest way to answer this question is to simply call our office or send us an email. Our experienced Tennessee Comp Lawyers can review your case to make sure you are receiving all of the benefits you are entitled to under the law.

One important thing to remember is that companies and the companies that insure them are typically represented by highly skilled and highly compensated lawyers who try to defeat the allegation or substantially decrease the total reward an injured worker will receive. Also, Tennessee law contains time limits for reporting an injury or medical condition to a company as well as the amount of time you have to file a claim. (Called a “statute of limitations”). If you fail to tell someone within a certain amount of time about an injury that occurred while on the job is not reported in time, or if the claim is not filed within the necessary amount of time, injured Nashville worker can lose his or her ability to obtain payment for their injury that occurred while on the job. Even though this is an injustice, Nashville employers are not required by law to inform their injured employees of that they only have certain amount of time in which to file a workers’ compensation claim.

This is why it is so important work with a highly knowledgeable Nashville personal injury lawyer with The Higgins Firm who is familiar with the Tennessee guidelines for permanent impairment assessment and to see a physician that handles workers’ compensation insurance claims. A physician who gives a small injury diagnosis will directly affect the significance of your case. As such it is important for you to have a knowledgeable Nashville workers’ compensation lawyer who will notice if a physician states that your injury is small and can set up an appointment with a new physician for an additional assessment.

Injured Nashville workers want legal counsel if your injury involves any of these circumstances:

  1. The workplace injury is serious and will result in extensive disability.
  2. Your on the job injury has been turned down by the insurance company.
  3. The disability has lasted for an extended duration (around 90 days) without any definite release to the normal occupation and customary job duties.
  4. You have a serious and lifetime partial disability despite it being stated that you can return to your usual workload and responsibilities.
  5. You have received an offer of settlement but are not sure if it is fair; or
  6. Any other circumstance in which a Tennessee employee has a workplace injured and may be confused or stressed out about the compensation procedures.

If even one of the circumstances listed applies or if you have already received an option to settle, please feel free to call our workers’ compensation lawyers with the Higgins Firm. Our attorneys will discuss your legal options.

If you need legal counsel from our knowledgeable Nashville lawyers, we will help you gather evidence in order to make sure you receive the compensation you need. We fight for our clients. We will see to it that you get the compensation you may be entitled to for your workers’ compensation claim.

Contact us online or call us at 800.705.2121 to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your legal options.

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The insurance company has a legal team. You should too.

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