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Do you know about the alleged Dangerous Side Effects of Essure Birth Control?

When companies and businesses make products for consumers they are expected to test these products for safety and inform us about any of the possible risks associated with using these products. Unfortunately, many companies put money ahead of safety and market products they know have unsafe or even potentially fatal side effects. If you or a family member has used the Essure birth control implant and now experience severe illnesses, problems or even have died because of it, then you should talk to one of our defective product and Essure attorneys with the Higgins Firm. Our lawyers will help you determine if you may be eligible for compensation for any injury you have received.

How exactly is Essure Used?

The Essure device is a permanently placed birth control item that does not require surgery that was made by by Conceptus Inc., a company owned by Bayer for women. It gained approval in the U.S. On November 4th of 2002. The implant can be done in a doctor’s office and lasts approximately ten minutes. The item uses pliable coil which is placed in the vagina and cervix and into the fallopian tubes. After the item is placed, the tissue gets built up near the item and this causes the fallopian tubes to become blocked meaning the eggs and sperm cannot meet and pregnancy does not occur.

What is the Problem with the Essure birth control product?

The Food and Drug Administration or FDA has received over five thousand reports from women experiencing problems with Essure since in went on the market in 2002. Some of these problems are:

  • pain in the stomach
  • cramping
  • bleeding
  • back pain
  • pregnancies that were not intended
  • the movement of the into the lower stomach or pelvic area
  • tearing of the uterus and fallopian tubes
  • rash and itching because of an allergic reaction to the nickel used in the product
  • problems with weight
  • feelings of tiredness
  • migraines
  • device breaking
  • not working properly
  • miscarriages
  • death

If women have experienced problems with the Essure product becoming separated from the right area or the moving of the product, this has resulted in the need for several surgical procedures to safely remove the product or the need to remove the uterus completely.

Was the Essure Product Ever Recalled?

Currently, there has been no recalled issued for the Essure birth control. The Food and Drug Administration has met with Obstetrics and Gynecology Devices Panel of the Medical Devices Advisory Committee on September 24, 2015, and has heard from experts as well as consumers that have had problems with the product. The Food and Drug Administration also has reviewed thousands of comments from the general public about the product and most likely will make an announcement concerning their plans in February of 2016.

What should I do if I have an Essure Case?

If you or someone you care for has endured problems, illnesses, revision surgeries and more because of an Essure birth control implant, then you are encouraged to speak to our legal team at the Higgins Firm about your case. We know this must be a difficult and confusing time for you and we will help make the process as easy as possible for you. We will also assist you in collecting paperwork that may be necessary for your case. Then, our legal team will work to see to it that you and your family get the damages and compensation you deserve for what you have been through.

You can contact us online or by phone at 800.705.2121 to address any concerns you may have about your claim.

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