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Medical Malpractice

Have You or a Loved one Suffered Due to Medical Malpractice?When we go into a clinic or a hospital to get treated, we generally expect to be feeling better when we leave. Unfortunately, there are times when this is not the case. Physicians, surgeons and other health care providers have been known to make mistakes. Some of these mistakes may include: the misdiagnoses of a disease, patients suffering from neglect, and important test results being read incorrectly. In this day and age of big insurance companies, individuals and families suffer the consequences of bad medical practice or medical malpractice. The Higgins Firm is experienced in taking on doctors and hospitals when a client has been injured as a result of bad medical practice or medical malpractice. We utilize the best experts on the planet to fight for our clients and their families, and we work hard to get victims and their families the compensation they deserve.

How is Medical Malpractice Defined?Medical malpractice is defined by the carelessness or failure of a physician or other health care provider to provide the care required or accepted in the community in which he practices. Medical malpractice may occur when a physician fails to properly treat a medical condition or neglects to treat a medical condition, and this failure or negligence results in a new or more serious injury for that patient.

What Are Some Examples of Medical Malpractice or Negligence? Some examples of medical malpractice or negligence may include but are not limited to:

  • Delay or failure to act when diagnosing a disease
  • Misdiagnosing a disease or medical condition
  • Surgical errors
  • Improper consent for operation or procedure
  • Neglect or failure to treat a correct diagnoses
  • Doctor or nursing errors
  • Birth trauma or birth defects
  • Dangerous drugs
  • Anesthesia malpractice
  • Equipment failure

How Will I Know if Medical Malpractice has Taken Place?Sometimes we may leave the hospital and not know if we have actually suffered from medical malpractice. Some signs of medical malpractice may include but are not limited to:

  • Unexpected results after operation, procedure, or treatment
  • Serious injury post medical treatment or operation
  • Minor or unrelated surgery for more serious illness
  • Multiple doctor or hospital visits
  • Nerve damage
  • Medication errors
  • Improper consent
  • Delayed comments from a doctor or nurse about care received

However, these are some of the possible warning signs. In any procedure, operation or treatment there are risks. Sometimes, during these procedures, operations or treatments risks may occur that could not be avoided. The health care provider should always be able to provide the patient and or patient’s family with a reasonable explanation of why the injury or death may have occurred.

You or a loved one may have experienced medical malpractice. If so, we encourage you to contact one of our Tennessee medical malpractice attorneys as soon as possible. At The Higgins Firm, we are ready to hear your claim. We want you to receive the compensation that you deserve. Contact us online or call us at 800.705.2121 to set up a FREE consultation.

How Can I Know If Medical Malpractice Occurred In My Case?Medical malpractice is difficult and complex for many people to completely understand because there are so many legal and medical questions. This is why it is hard for many people to tell if they have actually suffered due to medical malpractice. Our experienced medical malpractice attorneys can evaluate your case and consult with experts in the field to help determine if the care you or a loved one received is proper and appropriate. At The Higgins Firm we hope that we can address a few of the commonly asked questions associated with medical malpractice claims.

What Should I Do If I Suspect Medical Malpractice Has Occurred?If you suspect medical malpractice has occurred, the first thing you should do is to seek medical attention immediately. Next, keep all the documents you may have received before, during, and after your original procedure or treatment as well as any treatment for the additional injury that may have occurred. It is important to contact the caring and experienced medical malpractice attorneys at The Higgins Firm. We will provide you with a free consultation to help you see if you have a medical malpractice claim. If your claim is reasonable and could succeed, we will then talk with you about the steps we will take to get your claim heard. This will include further evaluating your claim, gathering the appropriate medical records, and speaking with a medical expert about your claim.

Is an Expert Really Needed to Prove that Medical Malpractice has Taken Place?In many cases, an expert is needed to prove that medical malpractice has taken place. Medical malpractice cases require that a standard of care be established. This means that another professional, the medical expert who also has experience with medical malpractice, will need to prove that the usual standard of care was not taken or was neglected and this resulted in an injury or death of the patient. For your safety, protection of your rights, and the confidentiality of the case, medical malpractice attorneys hire all experts needed for the case.

Is a Claim Filed for Every Case of Medical Malpractice?A claim is not typically filed for every case of medical malpractice. A lawsuit may not be needed even if medical negligence has occurred. Due to the high costs of litigating medical malpractice cases, some injured people will spend more on the case than the amount of damages that they could actually win or recover from it. Many injured people have a difficult choice to make. They either: 1) abandon their claim or 2) pursue their claim only as a matter of principle, realizing a loss in finances. When you speak with our attorneys about your claim, it is important to make sure you understand the potential risks, including financial ones that you may be taking if you decide to pursue your claim further.

If you feel you or a loved one has been the victim of medical malpractice, we strongly advise you to contact us right away. Contact us online or call us at 800.705.2121 to set up a FREE consultation.

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