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Murfreesboro Nursing Home Abuse Lawyer

In Tennessee nursing homes, abuse and neglect is surprisingly common. Up to half of abuse cases also involve neglect. What you might not realize is that when abuse or neglect has taken place, you may have the right to recover compensation.

If you or a loved one has been harmed while living in a nursing home, you are encouraged to consult a Murfreesboro nursing home abuse lawyer as soon as possible. Bear in mind that even if you signed an arbitration agreement before your loved one entered the nursing facility, compensation may still be available. Only a lawyer can help you to understand whether you can proceed with a claim or lawsuit. Due to the complications that tend to arise in these types of cases, it is recommended that you do not delay in exploring your legal options. Call The Higgins Firm today to learn more.

Nursing Home Abuse in Tennessee

Nursing home abuse and neglect can take many different forms. Whether or not you can immediately recognize a potentially harmful situation will largely depend on the circumstances. As a nursing home abuse lawyer in Murfreesboro might explain to you, there are many known cases in which abuse has been going on for years before a family member noticed something was not right. In other cases, it took just one or two incidents to recognize the signs. Regular visits, and paying close attention to the behaviors of your loved one can help you to understand whether abuse is a factor. That being said, if you suspect any form of abuse taking place, you should keep notes and address your concerns with the facility. In the event of nothing being done, and your suspicions continue to linger, please call a Murfreesboro nursing home abuse lawyer for further advice.

Examples of Abuse in a Nursing Home

Abuse can be committed by any staff member of a nursing home, including the doctors, nurses, assistants, therapists, cleaners, administrators, and so forth. It can also be possible for a resident to abuse or neglect another resident. Although less common, it does occur, and can lead to injury. Examples of abuse or neglect can include:

  • Failure to maintain the hygiene of a patient
  • Pinching, hitting, or slapping a patient
  • Skipping feeding times
  • Failure to properly medicate a patient
  • Dropping a patient
  • Failure to make sure the patient is bedding and bed rails are in place
  • Failure to monitor the vitals of a patient
  • Failure to call a doctor when needed
  • Failure to clean and monitor bedsores
  • Failure to record or maintain patient records
  • Failure to respond to a patients needs
  • Extorting money from a patient
  • Sexually abusing a patient

When abuse or neglect takes place in a nursing home, the resulting injuries can be devastating, and may include:

  • Severe bruising
  • Abrasions or lacerations
  • Broken bones and sprains
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Restraint marks
  • Questionable marks on the body
  • Closed head injuries
  • Strangulation or suffocation
  • Internal bleeding
  • Death

Bear in mind the aforementioned information is not exhaustive. In general, if you believe something is going on in a nursing home, please listen to your instincts and consult a nursing home abuse lawyer in Murfreesboro as soon as possible.

Recovering Compensation for Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse cases tend to be rife with challenges. In Tennessee, a majority of these facilities are sister facilities, and part of an umbrella company, or corporation. This means when an allegation of abuse or neglect takes place, you may be approached by large legal teams and insurance companies who will be ready to fight tooth and nail for their customer – the nursing home. It is advisable that you do not try to pursue compensation without the right nursing home abuse lawyer Murfreesboro has to offer.

A good lawyer can investigate the smallest of details to determine who was involved, what happened, why, and how. Independent experts can be called upon, and they can examine the plaintiff, review medical records, and testify that the patient was indeed neglected or abused in some way. In other words, a lawyer must prove that the nursing home failed to adhere to their duty of care. This resulted in a breach and injuries. Had the facility not breached their duty, the patient would not have been injured.

Speak with a Murfreesboro Nursing Home Abuse Attorney

Help is available. At The Higgins Firm, we believe any abuse or negligence on the part of a nursing home facility is unacceptable. For years we have been defending elderly people, their family members, and others who cannot care for themselves and reside in a nursing facility. Our knowledge and experience has enabled us to recover millions in damages. If you would like to learn more about The Higgins Firm, please call a Murfreesboro nursing home abuse lawyer today.

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