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Nashville Auto Accident Lawyers

We all rely on transportation to get us and those we love where we need to be each day. Unfortunately, auto accidents can happen maybe because someone was distracted while they were driving, maybe they were under the influence of alcohol or drugs or maybe they were just driving carelessly. Whatever the reason for the auto accident, severe and even life-changing injuries can occur. If you or someone you know has been injured in an auto accident, you should contact an experienced Nashville auto accident lawyer with the Higgins Firm. We care about our clients and will do everything we can to make sure that you receive the compensation you need for the injuries you have caused.

What Steps do I Need to Take After Being Involved in a Nashville Auto Accident?

After you have been injured in an auto accident in Nashville, you may be hurt, confused, and overwhelmed. It is important to follow these steps so you can get taken care of and get the compensation you may need for your case. The steps you should take include:

  • Get Help- If you have been injured in a Nashville auto accident, the first thing you should do is get medical help and treatment for any injuries you may have. It is most important that you recover and heal properly from your injuries.
  • Call the Police- It is also important that you call the police so that they can write a report about what actually happened, and how it happened and talk to any witnesses who may have seen the accident. The documents that the police fill out are important in making your case and proving who was at fault for the accident.
  • Get the Other Party’s Information- This is important if you want their insurance company to compensate you for any injuries. It will also be important in helping to build your case. You should get license plate numbers, the model and make of the vehicle involved, driver’s license information, and insurance information.
  • Get Pictures- You should take photos of the accident including your vehicle and other vehicle and also photos of the road and any other hazards that may have led to the accident. These photos can be used as evidence when proving your case.
  • Write down details- It will be helpful to your case if you can write down details such as the date and time of the accident as well as other weather conditions or anything else you can remember.
  • Call your Insurance Company- You should call your insurance company and have them document the accident but make sure not to sign anything without speaking to a Nashville attorney with the Higgins Firm first.

It is important also that you remain calm and do not panic. If you panic you may leave the scene or admit to blame for the accident when it is not your fault. You may also be tempted to sign papers but doing this without consulting a Nashville auto accident lawyer could mean that you are signing away your rights to receive compensation in the future that you may need later. Finally, it is important that you do not accept a settlement without having a Nashville lawyer review your case. Your injuries may be more severe and you may need more money than a settlement will provide but once you settle you typically cannot ask for more compensation.

How Much Could my Nashville Auto Accident Case be Worth?

When you have been injured in an auto accident in Nashville, you may be wondering how much compensation you could get for your case. The amount of compensation you could receive depends on things such as:

  • your medical costs now and in the future
  • any income you may be losing while not able to work
  • any loss of future income earning opportunities
  • the amount of damage to your vehicle
  • how much pain and suffering you have experienced
  • any other things that you unable to do because of your injuries

What can a Nashville Auto Accident Lawyer do for me?

If you or someone you care about has been injured in an auto accident in Nashville, the Higgins Firm legal team understands how confusing this all must be for you. We will answer any questions and address any concerns you may have. We will also work with you to gather any evidence such as medical records, photos, witness statements and more to help us make your case. We use this information to try to reach an appropriate settlement with the other party’s insurance company. If an appropriate settlement cannot be reached, our lawyers will take your case to court and go to trial if needed. We will make sure you get the compensation you are entitled to for your injuries and see to it that the party responsible pays for their actions.

Please get in touch with us today online or by phone at 800.705.2121 to talk about the legal action you may be able to pursue.

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The insurance company has a legal team. You should too.

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