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Nashville Bicycle Accident Lawyer

As one of the largest metropolitan regions in Tennessee, the Nashville area has a large population of cyclists. Nashville is continually improving its cycling environment, including adding bike lanes and creating new laws to protect cyclists.

Every cyclist is familiar with the dangers of biking on or near roads. However, even the most cautious cyclists could be seriously injured or even killed in a motor vehicle crash.

If you were recently injured in a bike crash, contact a Nashville bicycle accident lawyer as soon as possible. The party responsible for the crash may owe you money for your injuries, pain and suffering, as well as other damages.

Causes of Bicycle Accidents

Even when a cyclist wears a helmet and takes their best precautions, ultimately other drivers must take precautions as well to avoid an accident.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported over 700 cyclist fatalities resulting from these motor vehicle crashes in 2014.

Vehicle-on-bicycle crashes represent a real danger to cyclists. Because riders do not have seat belts, airbags, and other safety equipment that motorists have for protection, cyclists are much more likely to get hurt in these accidents.

Drivers’ lack of awareness of and unfamiliarity with cyclists is a common cause of bicycle/motor vehicle accidents. Other common causes include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Driving while impaired or intoxicated
  • Failing to stop at a stop sign or red light
  • Road rage
  • Speeding
  • Changing lanes or making a turn unsafely
  • Cyclist or motorist failing to obey traffic laws

For an individual to determine how the cause of their bicycle accident impacts their claim, it is important to contact a Nashville bicycle accident lawyer as soon as possible.

Bicycle Accident Injuries Compensation

Nashville Municipal Code Section 12.60 grants the same rights and responsibilities to cyclists as drivers have. This means that cyclists can reasonably expect motorists to drive safely, and motorists can expect the same from cyclists.

If a cyclist suffers injury in an accident, the law allows them to sue the driver responsible for the crash if the driver acted negligently or recklessly.

If a driver intentionally caused a crash, such as in a road rage incident, an injured cyclist can also sue in that situation.

If a driver’s wrongful conduct causes a cyclist’s injuries, the cyclist can sue for financial compensation for their damages. Riders injured in a crash may suffer severe injury resulting in high medical costs. Accident victims often have to miss work to recover from their injuries, compounding the financial stress.

An injured party may look to recover money for medical costs, lost wages due to missing work, pain and suffering, and property damages to their bicycle.

It is important for an individual to contact a Nashville bicycle accident lawyer right away after an accident in order to figure out their next steps and determine if they should pursue a legal claim.

Benefit of a Lawyer

If you sustained an injury in a vehicle-on-bicycle crash, contact a Nashville bicycle accident attorney as soon as possible.

A bicycle accident lawyer in Nashville will fight hard to win you the compensation you deserve for your injuries and other damages and ensure that you receive the justice you are seeking due to someone else’s negligence.

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