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Nashville, Tennessee Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Every injury can be challenging physically, mentally, and financially for the injured person and their family. Even minor injuries can have long-term impacts on an accident victim’s life.

While every type of injury can have these consequences, catastrophic injuries generally have life-altering and permanent effects on the accident victim. In some cases, victims of a catastrophic injury do not ever fully recover, and need permanent medical care.

Catastrophic injuries are not only physically and emotionally devastating, but can also be financially difficult due to extensive medical care costs. When a catastrophic injury victim suffers due to another’s negligent, reckless, or criminal behavior, the victim can sue for financial compensation.

If you or a loved recently suffered this type of injury in Nashville, Tennessee, contact a catastrophic injury lawyer today. They will work hard to hold the responsible party accountable for your losses.

Defining Catastrophic InjuryThere is no one type of a catastrophic injury. Multiple different kinds of injuries can fall into this category, including:

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Stroke
  • Spine injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Third degree burns
  • Loss of sight or hearing
  • Loss of limb

Victims of catastrophic injury can sue the person or entity responsible for their injuries. If the other party acted negligently, recklessly, or criminally, and that behavior caused the victim’s injuries, the other party is legally liable for the victim’s damages.

This means that the accident victim can sue for financial damages, including medical costs and lost wages. Such damages can be effectively pursued using a Nashville, Tennessee catastrophic injury lawyer.

Compensation for Pain and SufferingVictims can also sue for noneconomic damages, including for their emotional and physical pain and suffering. State law limits how much compensation a victim can be awarded for these noneconomic damages.

Under Tennessee Code Section 29-39-102, catastrophic injury victims may be awarded up to $1,000,000 if their injury was:

  • A spinal cord injury resulting in paraplegia or quadriplegia
  • An amputation of two hands, two feet or one of each
  • Third-degree burns on 40% or more of their body or third degree burns up to 40% or more of the face

In the tragic event that a catastrophic injury victim dies due to their injuries, their surviving children may be awarded for noneconomic damages under this law. To have the best chance at recovering such damages, an individual should not hesitate before contacting a catastrophic injury attorney in Nashville, Tennessee.

Statutes of LimitationsTime is always of the essence when considering a personal injury claim. State law requires that injured accident victims file claims within a certain period. This law is called the “statute of limitations”, and determines exactly how long someone has to file their catastrophic injury lawsuit in court. A Nashville, Tennessee catastrophic injury lawyer can help an individual determine the limitations on their case.

The injured victim must file within this period, or they will permanently lose the chance to seek compensation in court. Victims of catastrophic injuries have one year after the date of the incident to file their claim in court.

Contact an AttorneyIf you or a loved recently suffered this type of injury, contact a Nashville, Tennessee catastrophic injury attorney today. They can fight to win you the compensation you deserve. They will hold the liable party responsible, and seek justice on your behalf.

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