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Nashville, Tennessee Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

When you think about an auto accident, you probably think of a crash between two or more vehicles. While vehicle-on-vehicle incidents are the most common type of auto accidents, they are certainly not the only type.

Other car accidents, such as vehicle-on-pedestrian accidents, can also lead to injury and other damages for the pedestrian victim. Given the unique nature of pedestrian accidents, it is more likely that serious injury, or even death, may occur.

If you were recently injured in a pedestrian accident, or if your loved one was killed in such an accident, contact a Nashville, Tennessee personal injury lawyer today.

Skilled pedestrian accident lawyers in Nashville, Tennessee understand the financial stresses you may suffer as a result of your accident, which is why they dedicate themselves to a quick and cost-effective case resolution.

Accident Statistics

In 2014, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported fourteen percent of all traffic fatalities were pedestrians. That same year, the NHTSA reported 86 pedestrian traffic fatalities in Tennessee alone.

Pedestrian fatalities make up a high percentage of statewide traffic fatalities because of the vulnerability pedestrians face on the road.

Unlike motorists, pedestrians do not have the protection of steel, seat belts, and air bags. So, when a vehicle-on-pedestrian accident occurs, the pedestrian is far more likely to suffer severe injury or death. While every pedestrian is at risk for an accident and subsequent injuries, children are at higher risk.

Often, children do not appreciate the dangers of walking on or alongside a roadway. This creates a significant risk for the child to wander into traffic accidentally.

Additionally, exiting a school bus onto or near a busy road can cause similar risk. Even when children do obey crosswalk laws and watch for traffic dangers, they can be hard for drivers to spot in time. If an individual or their child has suffered an injury due to a motorist, they should contact a Nashville, Tennessee pedestrian accident attorney immediately.

Potential Damages

There are numerous causes for pedestrian accidents, regardless of the age of the pedestrian. These causes often include:

  • Distracted or inattentive driving
  • Motorist failing to obey traffic laws
  • Speeding
  • Running red lights or stop signs
  • Pedestrian failing to obey crosswalk signs
  • Poor visibility due to darkness or bad weather
  • Impaired or intoxicated driving
  • Road rage

When a driver is careless or negligent and strikes a pedestrian, that driver should be held responsible. In some cases, a driver’s intentional behavior may cause similar harm, for which they should also be held liable. Such liability can be established by a pedestrian accident lawyer in Nashville, Tennessee.


State law allows accident victims to seek financial compensation for their injuries when another person’s careless, negligent, or intentional acts lead to harm.

Often, accident victims will sue for compensation for medical bills, lost wages due to injuries, and emotional pain and suffering.

Because of the likelihood for serious injury, pedestrian accident victims may have expensive medical bills resulting from extensive medical care. The law allows accident victims to seek compensation for their damages. Such damages can be best argued for using a Nashville, Tennessee pedestrian accident attorney.

Contacting an Attorney

If you or a loved one was recently injured in a vehicle-on-pedestrian crash, contact an experienced pedestrian accident attorney in Nashville, Tennessee today.

Thoughtful attorneys will focus on getting you the compensation you are owed, so that you can focus on recovering and moving forward.

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