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Nashville Wrongful Death Lawyer

Losing a loved one is traumatic and life altering in many ways. Dealing with the loss is even more distressing when it is the result of someone’s negligent or wrongful actions.

Financial stress from handling funeral costs, lost income, medical bills, and other end-of-life costs often compounds this grief. In some circumstances, the deceased’s surviving relatives may be entitled to compensation for their financial burden, heartache, and other pain and suffering.

Contact an experienced wrongful death attorney in Nashville for more information about pursuing a compensation claim in court.

Wrongful Death Defined

The term wrongful death is legal term that describes deaths caused by certain actions. A wrongful death is one caused by the negligent, reckless or intentional conduct of someone else.

In some cases, the responsible party is an individual. In other situations, a business or public entity may be liable. Wrongful death may be the result of an auto accident, medical malpractice, physical assault, or nearly any other circumstance.

It is important to know that not every sudden death, nor every death caused by injury, is legally considered a wrongful death. However, when someone’s wrongful behavior causes the death that may be considered a wrongful death under state law. A knowledgeable Nashville wrongful death attorney can help an individual determine the circumstances surrounding their case.

Filing a Claim

State law allows certain family members to sue for financial compensation related to their loss. Whether a relative can file the claim is an essential question in any wrongful death case.

Tennessee Code Section 20-5-106 specifies which surviving relatives can file a wrongful death suit in court. In order of priority, the following family members can sue for wrongful death under this law:

  • The surviving spouse
  • Surviving children or next-of-kin
  • The deceased’s personal representative, for the benefit of the person’s surviving spouse or next of kin
  • The deceased’s natural parents, if they were a minor or in the parents’ legal custody
  • The deceased’s adoptive parents, if they were a minor or in the parents’ legal custody

If there are no surviving spouses, children, or parents, the law may permit other relatives to bring the wrongful death suit under certain circumstances. A seasoned wrongful death lawyer in Nashville can help advise an individual if such circumstances were to arise. Seeking Compensation

A common question regarding wrongful death suits is what damages the family may seek in the claim. Often, families undertake serious financial burdens directly related to their tragic loss. One common burden surviving families endure is the loss of household income when a spouse or parent dies.

This loss of income can be devastating, and may be coupled with other costs, such as funeral expenses, and end-of-life medical costs. Often, Nashville wrongful death claims will seek compensation for the following damages:

  • Loss of financial support
  • Funeral/burial costs
  • Emotional pain and suffering
  • Medical costs
  • Loss of household services
  • Loss of a spouse’s companionship
  • Other expenses related to the wrongful death

A Nashville wrongful death lawyer can help an individual recover any sort of damages that may be related to their claim.

Benefit of an Attorney

A Nashville wrongful death attorney knows your family has suffered a traumatic ordeal, and understand that financial compensation cannot make up for your loss.

However, the financial loss you suffered can also be a devastating result of the death of your loved one. The party responsible for their death should be held liable.

If you have suffered the wrongful death of a loved one, contact a Nashville wrongful death lawyer as soon as possible.

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