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Nashville Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

What Do I Do If I Am Injured In Nashville Pedestrian Accident?In Nashville and all across the country, pedestrians are injured or killed by automobiles, trucks, or motorcycles every single day. This is usually unfortunately because the drivers of the vehicles do not pay close enough attention to pedestrians walking or running across the road. Even if a pedestrian is extra cautious when crossing a busy road, these accidents can and still do happen. If you or someone you know has been severely injured or even killed due to a pedestrian accident, then you should speak to a Nashville pedestrian accident lawyer as soon as possible. They will hear your case and work with you to see to it that you get the compensation to which you are entitled for the injuries you have suffered.

What Rights Do Nashville Pedestrian Accident Victims Have?If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident or know someone who has, you may be entitled to damages from the person responsible for the injury. Some of the damages you may be able to receive include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Medical costs
  • Lost income
  • Funeral costs
  • Pain and Suffering

Additionally, if your loved one, husband, or wife was injured, you may be eligible to receive compensation for the loss of consortium and services provided to you. What happens after a nashville pedestrian accident?

Typically, following a pedestrian accident, any involved insurance company will attempt to obtain statements from all individuals involved and any witnesses to the occurrence. They will most likely have pictures taken and get a copy of the police report to find out how severe the injuries are to the pedestrian involved in the accident. After gathering all this information, an insurance company will most likely want to settle with the pedestrian of the accident in order to avoid paying any additional costs in the future. As a business, the goal of the insurance company is to settle for the lowest compensation possible in order to save money. However, a person may not know their medical needs immediately after the accident and may require an evaluation from a doctor. If you choose to settle with an insurance company before you know the true extent of your injury or injuries, you may not be able to get all the compensation that you need and deserve for your case. It is usually best to wait and know all the information before settling.

When Should I Contact A Nashville Pedestrian Accident And Personal Injury Attorney?If you or someone you care about has been injured or killed in a pedestrian accident, you should contact one of our experienced and compassionate Nashville Pedestrian Accident and Personal Injury attorneys. If you have been contacted by the insurance company and they want you to settle, if your medical costs are extensive, if the accident happened while you were on the job, if your insurance company is seeking reimbursement from you, if there is confusion over who is responsible, or if you just want the peace of mind in knowing that your case will be handled by professionals, you should contact an Nashville personal injury attorney. We care about our clients and will work with you to see to it that you receive the compensation you deserve for the injuries you have suffered.

Contact us online or call us at 800.705.2121 to set up a FREE consultation to discuss your legal options.

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The insurance company has a legal team. You should too.

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