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The Higgins Firm Give and Get Photo Contest Winners

This past fall, The Higgins Firm teamed up with several Nashville nonprofits to encourage volunteerism in the community. We are proud to have brought together the neighborhood with our Give and Get Photo Contest! The giveaway was a fun and effective way to encourage locals to give back by offering their time to others.

contest winners
Two hardworking winners each received a $250 Amazon gift card and $500 to donate to their favorite local charity. We couldn’t have done this without the support of the community and we’d like to thank everyone who took part in The Higgins Firm Give and Get Photo Contest.

It was difficult to choose a winner as many locals jumped at the opportunity to give back to their community. Two individuals, Mack Hagewood and Jo West, stood out in their commitment to service ultimately winning the awards and donations to the charity of their choice.

contest winners

Mack Hagewood owns and runs Veteran Sportsmen. The nonprofit aims to create outdoor adventures for veterans in order to thank them for their service and alleviate Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Mack also strives to raise awareness for PTSD through his program.

As a firm that represents the injured, we are touched at the effort to assist those who have served our country and continue to struggle with their own injuries.

Jo West often spends time volunteering with A Soldier’s Child at the Nissan Stadium. This organization strives to serve the children of fallen soldiers who give their lives defending the United States. As Jo told us, “it’s for the kids, Darryl!” We are happy to award her for serving the community, especially for such a touching cause.

Thank you again to everyone who participated and helped make this possible. We hope you all enjoyed the competition, but more importantly, the opportunity to give back to the Nashville community!

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